Noah Wells Maximum Magic: Preferred Partners Feature


Noah Wells Maximum Magic

This month’s Preferred Partner feature is a family favorite – Noah Wells Maximum Magic Shows! A fun way to spend your evening off the beach, there are now two types of shows being offered: one for all ages, and one catered more towards adults. Each show is a combination of unique magic tricks, audience participation, and a hint of comedy as Noah narrates his acts. We sat down with him to learn more about his shows, how he got started, and his journey going forward!

GBR: Magic is such a unique career path and we are curious – how did you get started with magic?
Noah: I saw a magic show in Branson, Missouri when I was 7 years old. The magician needed a kid from the audience to assist him on stage where he would walk through a mirror. He pulled me up on stage to assist him with that illusion. After the show I bought a magic kit, opened it up and started learning all the tricks, and I was hooked! After learning all those tricks I went to a magic shop in my hometown of Longview, Texas and started buying more tricks. I knew from just a child that I wanted to grow up and become a magician someday.

GBR: Kudos to you for following your dream! Now that you’ve been a magician for years, what is your favorite part of performing a magic show?
Noah: My favorite part about performing a Noah Wells Maximum Magic show is the interaction with the audience members. During our shows we use child and adult volunteers on stage and because everyone is different, I never know what to expect. That live interaction allows me to go off script and really connect with the volunteers and it usually results in something much more entertaining than what I could create in a script.

GBR: So true – It must be different every time! What sets your show apart from others?
Noah: My wife Heather and I have been performing here on the Gulf Coast now for over a decade with several hundred performances each year. We’ve received numerous awards and recognitions for our MAXIMUM MAGIC show and we’re very blessed that we receive hundreds of reviews each year that are overwhelmingly positive about our guest’s experience with our show. We constantly change the show and make adjustments that we feel are for the better. We have a lot of repeat customers who attend our show each year as part of their family vacation to our beautiful beaches and we enjoy adding new illusions to keep the show fresh for returning customers. So what sets our show apart from others? We have the experience, the recognitions, the drive, and the longevity that sets us apart from any other magic show in the area.

GBR: We know you’re extremely talented and have been recognized in some major ways. How many Merlin awards have you won?
Noah: Thank you for asking about the Merlin award. Heather and I are 3-time Merlin award recipients. The Merlin award is the highest honor a magician can receive. It’s presented by the world’s largest magic organization, the International Magicians Society. It is to magic what the Emmy is for television, the Oscar is for the movies, and the Tony is for theater. The world’s greatest magicians have all received the Merlin award. Heather and I received back to back Merlin awards in 2011 and 2012 for “Illusionists of The Year” and became the youngest magicians in the USA to ever receive this award. We also were recently awarded the Merlin award for 2017 “Entertainers of The Year”.

GBR: That’s amazing – Congrats! You two are so talented. Can you tell us more about your upcoming schedule and the change you’ve made to your shows?
Noah: As we wind down the 2017 summer season, we’re excited to say that our Noah Wells MAXIMUM MAGIC show had a great first season of shows at Fudpuckers on theIsland. Most of our early 6:30pm shows were performed to sold out crowds and we’ll continue MAXIMUM MAGIC shows weekly throughout the fall and winter as well. For more information about our family-friendly MAXIMUM MAGIC show, visit our website at or call 850-807-4190.

Our 9:00pm shows were heavily attended by many “adult only” or “adults with teens” groups and because of this trend, Heather and I decided to create a new show that is made just for these types of groups. The new show which is titled LMFAO (Loads of Magic For Adults Only) is an age 13+ show that is perfect for late night owls who’re looking for something different, fun, and unique for a late night entertainment experience. This brand new show begins weekly performances on Wednesday August 16th with 9:30pm shows on Wednesday nights. For more information about our new LMFAO (Loads of Magic For Adults Only) shows, visit our website at or call 850-807-4190.

Noah & Heather Present MAXIMUM MAGIC at Fudpuckers Okaloosa Island, FL

Published by Thomas Cox
Thursday, August 10, 2017